
By definition, a blemish is an imperfection.  A wrinkle is a fold, crease or ridge in the skin…typically a side effect of aging (and living!) or soaking your hands and/or feet in water too long.  Cracks are for sidewalks, not faces. Freckles are appreciated and admired by some and a source of consternation to others (for those who have ever tried lemon juice and Porcelana cream, you know what I’m talking about).  Rust can either diminish your car’s value or enhance your building’s patina.  And who doesn’t think dimples aren’t the cutest things ever?

I believe that our “flaws” are what make the world beautiful; stretch marks and all.

Rustic beauty

Rustic (ruhs-tik) :  def.  1. Suitable for the country.  2. Made of rough limbs of trees.  3. Of or resembling country folk.  4. Lacking in social graces or polish.  5. Simple, artless or unsophisticated.  6. Uncouth, crude, boorish, awkward.  7. Having rough surfaces.  8. Lacking refinement or elegance.  9. Charmingly simple.

I think there is an inherent allure to battered old barns, wooden fence posts or rusty nails.  Charmingly simple.

The ravishing ravage of winter

From a distance, the middle of winter can seem unsightly.  Brown, gray, wilted, withered and downright dead.

But get up close enough, and winter looks deceptively glamorous.

The vertical glamour shot:

The glamour head shot:

The cheesecake/beefcake shot:

The ubiquitous close-up shot:

And the perfect boudoir shot: